Artículos producto de proyectos financiados : [14] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 14 de 14
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
Murga_et-al_2024_cowpea_characterization.pdf.jpg7-may-2024Physiological characterization and bioactive compounds of promising accessions of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) in the Peruvian AmazonMurga Orrillo, Hipolito; Chuquímez Gonzales, Jhon Kevin; Arévalo López, Luis Alberto
Chirinos_et-al_2021_hydrothermal_avocado.pdf.jpg10-nov-2021The effect of hydrothermal treatment on metabolite composition of hass avocados stored in a controlled atmosphereChirinos, Rosana; Campos, David; Martínez, Sofía; Llanos, Sílfida; Betalleluz Pallardel, Indira; García Ríos, Diego; Pedreschi, Romina
Hidalgo_et-al_2021_genetica_leche.pdf.jpg27-mar-2021Tendencia genética y fenotípica de la producción de leche: caso de un establo comercial del valle de Huaura, PerúHidalgo Vásquez, Yaneline Nilda; García Salas, María Elisa Catalina; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Gustavo Augusto; Chagray Ameri, Néstor Humberto
Silva_et-al_2020_pheromone_cerambycid.pdf.jpg2-abr-2020Variations on a theme: two structural motifs create species-specific pheromone channels for multiple species of South American cerambycid beetlesSilva, Weliton D.; Hanks, Lawrence M.; Alvarez, Jean Carlos S.; Madalon, Fernando Z.; Bento, José Maurício S.; Bello, Jan E.; Millar, Jocelyn G.
Michel_et-al_2023_flavor_chocolate.pdf.jpg26-ene-2021Mass spectrometry-based flavor monitoring of Peruvian chocolate fabrication processMichel, Stephanie; Baraka, Luka Franco; Ibañez, Alfredo J.; Mansurova, Madina
Luperdi_et-al_2023_organic_wastes.pdf.jpg31-ene-2023Bioprocessing of organic wastes from poultry and bovine slaughterhouses as food substrate for Hermetia illucens larval developmentLuperdi, A. P.; Flores Calla, S. S.; Barriga, X. J.; Rivera, V.; Salazar, I.; Manrique, P. L.; Reátegui, J. E.
Fuentes_et-al_2021_potato_virus.pdf.jpg9-sep-2021The phylogeography of potato virus X shows the fingerprints of its human vectorFuentes, Segundo; Gibbs, Adrian J.; Hajizadeh, Mohammad; Perez, Ana; Adams, Ian P.; Fribourg, Cesar E.; Kreuze, Jan; Fox, Adrian; Boonham, Neil; Jones, Roger A. C.
Cucho_et-al_2020_irrigation_potato.pdf.jpg14-ene-2020Development of an open-source thermal image processing software for improving irrigation management in potato crops (Solanum tuberosum L.)Cucho Padin, Gonzalo; Rinza, Javier; Ninanya, Johan; Loayza, Hildo; Quiroz, Roberto; Ramirez, David A.
Fernandez_et-al_2020_cocoa_roasting.pdf.jpg2-feb-2020The kinetics of total phenolic content and monomeric Flavan-3-ols during the roasting process of Criollo CocoaFernández Romero, Editha; Chavez Quintana, Segundo G.; Siche, Raúl; Castro Alayo, Efraín M.; Cardenas Toro, Fiorella P.
Ninanya_et-al_2021_potato_canopy-temperature.pdf.jpg20-jul-2021Canopy temperature as a key physiological trait to improve yield prediction under water restrictions in potatoNinanya, Johan; Ramírez, David A.; Rinza, Javier; Silva-Díaz, Cecilia; Cervantes, Marcelo; García, Jerónimo; Quiroz, Roberto
Rinza_et-al_2022_potato_irrigation.pdf.jpg23-nov-2022Water saving using thermal imagery-based thresholds for timing irrigation in potatoes under drip and furrow irrigation systemsRinza, Javier; Ramírez, David A.; Ninanya, Johan; De Mendiburu, Felipe; García, Jerónimo; Quiroz, Roberto
Azhar_et-al_2021_aniba_GBS.pdf.jpg8-feb-2021In-depth genetic diversity and population structure of endangered Peruvian Amazon rosewood germplasm using Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) technologyAzhar Nadeem, Muhammad; Vasquez Guizado, Stalin Juan; Qasim Shahid, Muhammad; Amjad Nawaz, Muhammad; Habyarimana, Ephrem; Ercişli, Sezai; Ali, Fawad; Karaköy, Tolga; Aasim, Muhammad; Hatipoğlu, Rüştü; Castro Gómez, Juan Carlos; Marapara Del Aguila, Jorge Luis; Adrianzén Julca, Pedro Marcelino; Torres Canales, Esperanza; Hwan Yang, Seung; Chung, Gyuhwa; Shehzad Baloch, Faheem
Quintana_et-al_2020_strawberries_posthavest.pdf.jpg26-nov-2020Preparation and characterization of licorice-chitosan coatings for postharvest treatment of fresh strawberriesQuintana, Somaris E.; Llalla, Olimpia; García Zapateiro, Luis A.; García Risco, Mónica R.; Fornari, Tiziana
Silva_et-al_2020_potatoes_irrigation.pdf.jpg11-jun-2020Unraveling ecophysiological mechanisms in potatoes under different irrigation methods: a preliminary field evaluationSilva Díaz, Cecilia; Ramírez, David A.; Rodríguez Delfín, Alfredo; De Mendiburu, Felipe; Rinza, Javier; Ninanya, Johan; Loayza, Hildo; Quiroz, Roberto
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 14 de 14