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dc.contributor.authorLavelle, Patrick-
dc.contributor.authorCharpentier, Fabienne-
dc.contributor.authorVillenave, Cécile-
dc.contributor.authorRossi, Jean Pierre-
dc.contributor.authorDerouard, Laurent-
dc.contributor.authorPashanasi Amasifuen, Beto-
dc.contributor.authorAndre, Jean-
dc.contributor.authorPonge, Jean François-
dc.contributor.authorBernier, Nicolas-
dc.identifier.citationLavelle, P.; Charpentier, F.; Villenave, C.; Rossi, J. P.; Derouard, L.; Pashanasi, B.; ... & Bernier, N. (2004). Effects of earthworms on soil organic matter and nutrient dynamics at a landscape scale over decades. In Edwards, C. A. Earthworm ecology, 2nd edition. CRC Press, 145-160. doi: 10.1201/9781420039719es_PE
dc.description.abstractAfter several decades of unquestioned success, agriculture is now facing important global problems. Huge increases in productivity in developed countries have been accompanied by a severe depletion of “soil quality” in terms of resistance to erosion, organic contents, concentrations of heavy metals, and pesticide residues. Agricultural intensification in developing countries has been less successful because of various socioeconomic limitations. Nevertheless, traditional agricultural practices do not conserve the quality of soils; stocks of organic matter are rapidly becoming depleted, and erosion removes fine particles from the soil surface horizons. In a context of increasing human population pressures, particularly in developing countries, this degradation of soils results in many social and environmental problems (Eswaran 1994; FAO 2000). Features common to all kinds of soil degradation are a significant decrease in organic reserves, degradation of the soil structure, and severe depletion of soil invertebrate communities, especially earthworms (Decaëns et al. 1994; Lavelle et al. 1994).es_PE
dc.publisherCRC Presses_PE
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEarthworm Ecologyes_PE
dc.sourceInstituto Nacional de Innovación Agrariaes_PE
dc.source.uriRepositorio Institucional - INIAes_PE
dc.subjectSoil organic matteres_PE
dc.subjectSoil fertilityes_PE
dc.subjectFertilidad del sueloes_PE
dc.titleEffects of earthworms on soil organic matter and nutrient dynamics at a landscape scale over decadeses_PE
dc.subject.agrovocLombriz de tierraes_PE
dc.subject.agrovocSoil organic matteres_PE
dc.subject.agrovocMateria orgánica del sueloes_PE
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