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dc.contributor.authorBarboza Castillo, Elgar-
dc.contributor.authorBravo Morales, Nino-
dc.contributor.authorCotrina Sanchez, Alexander-
dc.contributor.authorSalazar Coronel, Wilian-
dc.contributor.authorGálvez Paucar, David-
dc.contributor.authorGonzales, Jhony-
dc.contributor.authorSaravia Navarro, David-
dc.contributor.authorValqui Valqui, Lamberto-
dc.contributor.authorCárdenas Rengifo, Gloria Patricia-
dc.contributor.authorOcaña Reyes, Jimmy Alcides-
dc.contributor.authorCruz Luis, Juancarlos-
dc.contributor.authorArbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin-
dc.identifier.citationBarboza, E.; Bravo, N.; Cotrina-Sanchez, A.; Salazar, W.; Gálvez-Paucar, D.; Gonzales, J.; Saravia, D., Valqui-Valqui, L.; Cárdenas, G.P.; Ocaña, J.; Cruz-Luis, J. & Arbizu, C.I. (2024). Modeling the current and future habitat suitability of Neltuma pallida in the dry forest of northern Peru under climate change scenarios to 2100. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e70158. doi: 10.1002/ece3.70158es_PE
dc.description.abstractThe development of anthropic activities and climate change effects impact worldwide species' ecosystems and habitats. Habitats' adequate prediction can be an important tool to assess current and future trends. In addition, it allows strategies development for their conservation. The Neltuma pallida of the forest region in northern Peru, although very significant, has experienced a decline in recent years. The objective of this research is to evaluate the current and future distribution and conservation status of N. pallida in the Peruvian dry forest under climate change (Location: Republic of Peru). A total of 132 forest presence records and 10 variables (bioclimatic, topographic, and soil) were processed and selected to obtain the current and future distribution for 2100, using Google Earth Engine (GEE), RStudio, and MaxEnt. The area under the curve values fell within the range of 0.93–0.95, demonstrating a strong predictive capability for both present and future potential habitats. The findings indicated that the likely range of habitats for N. pallida was shaped by factors such as the average temperature of wettest quarter, maximum temperature of warmest month, elevation, rainfall, and precipitation of driest month. The main suitable areas were in the central regions of the geographical departments of Tumbes, Piura, and Lambayeque, as well as in the northern part of La Libertad. It is critical to determine the habitat suitability of plant species for conservation managers since this information stimulates the development of policies that favor sustainable use programs. In addition, these results can contribute significantly to identify new areas for designing strategies for populations conserving and recovering with an ecological restoration approach.es_PE
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was funded by the following three research projects of the Peruvian Government: (i) “Creación del servicio de agricultura de precisión en los Departamentos de Lambayeque, Huancavelica, Ucayali y San Martín 4 Departamentos,” (ii) “Mejoramiento de los servicios de investigación y transferencia tecnológica en el manejo y recuperación de suelos agrícolas degradados y aguas para riego en la pequeña y mediana agricultura en los departamentos de Lima, Áncash, San Martín, Cajamarca, Lambayeque, Junín, Ayacucho, Arequipa, Puno y Ucayali,” and (iii) Creación del Servicio de laboratorio de Biología Molecular para la Investigación en la Universidad Nacional de Frontera–Distrito de Sullana, with grant numbers CUI 2449640, CUI 2487112, and CUI 2437731, respectively.es_PE
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.es_PE
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEcology and Evolutiones_PE
dc.sourceInstituto Nacional de Innovación Agrariaes_PE
dc.source.uriRepositorio Institucional - INIAes_PE
dc.subjectCoastal dry forestes_PE
dc.subjectGoogle earth enginees_PE
dc.titleModeling the current and future habitat suitability of Neltuma pallida in the dry forest of northern Peru under climate change scenarios to 2100es_PE
dc.subject.agrovocDry forestses_PE
dc.subject.agrovocBosque secoes_PE
dc.subject.agrovocSatellite imageryes_PE
dc.subject.agrovocImagen por satélitees_PE
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos

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