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dc.contributor.authorSantillan Huaman, Anlly-
dc.contributor.authorTejada Alvarado, José Jesús-
dc.contributor.authorGarcía, Ligia-
dc.contributor.authorVásquez García, Jheiner-
dc.contributor.authorFernandez Huaytalla, Elizabeth-
dc.contributor.authorVilca Valqui, Nuri Carito-
dc.contributor.authorOliva Cruz, Manuel-
dc.identifier.citationSantillan-Huaman, A; Tejada-Alvarado, J.J; García, L.; Vásquez-García, J; Fernandez-Huaytalla, E.; Vilca-Valqui, N.C; Oliva-Cruz, M. (2024). Morpho-Physiological response of four native accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris l. subjected to water stress under greenhouse conditions in northeastern Peru. Agronomy, 14(9), 2044. doi: 10.3390/agronomy14092044es_PE
dc.description.abstractPhaseolus vulgaris L. is a legume of high nutraceutical value, widely cultivated and consumed. However, common bean production faces challenges such as water stress that severely affects its growth and yield. This study evaluated the morphological and physiological response of four native P. vulgaris accessions subjected to different irrigation treatments under greenhouse conditions. A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement was used, evaluating three irrigation frequencies (100%, 50%, 25%) in combination with four accessions (PER1003541, PER1003542, PER1003543, PER1003544). The results showed that with the 25% irrigation treatment, PER1003544 showed a 54.62% decrease in leaf area, while PER1003542 and PER1003543 experienced reductions of 56.56% and 59.24%, respectively. In addition, accession PER1003544 reported a smaller reduction in the number of flowers and pods, with decreases of 40.21% and 29.9%, in contrast to PER1003543, which showed decreases of 60.66% and 52.63%, respectively. Accessions PER1003541 and PER1003544 also recorded the lowest reductions in dry biomass, with 31.85%and 35.41%, respectively. Regarding yield, PER1003544 and PER1003541 experienced reductions of 59.01% and 69.79%, respectively, unlike PER1003543, which showed a 90% decrease. In relation to stomatal density, PER1003541 recorded a reduction of 28.28%, while PER1003544 had a decrease of 37.10%, and PER1003543 experienced a reduction of 47.05%; chlorophyll content showed a similar trend. Finally, PER1003544 maintained a relatively stable stomatal index, with a reduction of 29.01%, compared to PER1003543, which reduced by 60.99%. In conclusion, accession PER1003544 stands out as a promising variety for breeding programs focused on water stress tolerance, contributing to food security and agricultural sustainability in areas affected by limited water availability. However, PER1003541 would be a suitable additional option, offering farmers flexibility in their crop selection according to the specific conditions of their environment.es_PE
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors are grateful for the technical and financial support of CUI project N° 2480490 “Mejoramiento de los Servicios de Investigación en la Caracterización de los Recursos Genéticos de la Agrobiodiversidad en 17 Departamentos del Perú (PROAGROBÍO)”, executed by the Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) and to CUI Project N° 2590588 “Mejoramiento del Servicio de Promoción de la Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para el Centro de Investigación en Granos y Semillas de la UNTRM”—CEIGRAS. In addition, they thank the Vice Rectorate of Research of the National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza of Amazonas.es_PE
dc.sourceInstituto Nacional de Innovación Agrariaes_PE
dc.source.uriRepositorio Institucional - INIAes_PE
dc.subjectAndean Legumeses_PE
dc.subjectFood Securityes_PE
dc.subjectPhaseolus Vulgarises_PE
dc.subjectWater Efficiencyes_PE
dc.titleMorpho-Physiological response of four native accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. subjected to water stress under greenhouse conditions in northeastern Perues_PE
dc.identifier.doihttps://doi.org/10.3390/ agronomy14092044-
dc.subject.agrovocFood Securityes_PE
dc.subject.agrovocSeguridad alimentariaes_PE
dc.subject.agrovocPhaseolus vulgarises_PE
dc.subject.agrovocWater availabilityes_PE
dc.subject.agrovocDisponibilidad del aguaes_PE
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos

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